Easter Sunday

April 20 7:00 am - 12:00 pm

Join us on this special Easter Sunday for a full morning of events!

Starting at 7am, we’ll be hosting our Sunrise Service outside at the crosses at 7am.

Then, we’ll be serving Easter Breakfast from 7:30 am to 9:45 am.

Not ready to wake up at the crack of dawn? Join us for our Traditional Service @ 9am in the Sanctuary to enjoy music from our Chancel Choir & Organ, or join us for our Contemporary Service led by our Praise Band at 10 am in the Worship Center.

Also at 10 am, the children will be celebrating Easter with a party of their own down in the Children’s Wing.

Last, but certainly not least, we’ll be having our yearly Egg Hunt at 11 am! Come one and come all for an egg hunt appropriate for Pre-K through 5th grade and enough goodies for everyone to take home. VBS Early Registration will also open on this day. If you’re interested in attending VBS with us this summer, stop by our registration table at the egg hunt!